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Academics: Section Title
Image by Carlos Magno

Barber Chemistry

Specialize subject in the chemistry of cosmetic products used in the Barber field. Include studying the basic theory of molecular structure, simple organic chemistry, and the application of various compounds to cold waving, hair relaxes, chemical processing, shampoos, rinses, dyes, and various her preparations.

Barber Tools

Hygiene & Sanitation

Your responsibility to your clients does not just stop at aesthetics and experience. Without a doubt, it includes safety and responsibility. These two courses will include sanitation, disinfecting, and sterilizing procedures.


Students learn the fundamentals of shaving, positions, strokes, and the application of these fundamentals are practiced through the preparation of the patron's face.


Hair Cutting

This area of learning covers the fundamentals of haircutting for both male and female clients. Including the important steps for a complete basic haircut. Procedures for cutting hair with clippers, shears, and razors. Manipulative skills are developed in the correct methods of razor and scissor hair shaping.


Hair Styling

Study in hair styling, shampooing, hair design, scalp massage, curling, brushing, combing, reconditioning hair, thermal pressing, iron cutting, and hairpiece fitting.

Man Getting Hair Washed

General Knowledge

This area covers the study of the basic sciences including the physiology of the hand, arm, head, and face. This applies to the areas in which Barbering is done.

Shop Management

This area is designed for people interested in managing and owning a salon. Topics included are state and federal regulations, mathematics, accounting, taxes, inventory control, customer relations, salesmanship, advertising, record keeping, and equipment as well as time you utilization.


Product Knowledge

This covers basic knowledge of handling, managing, and identifying all of the products needed in a transaction in a salon. A Barber must know what to use on each different type of client’s hairstyle.

Professional Hairstyling Tools
Academics: Services
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